+ About Us +

Welcome to the Bloodrush Productions page. We're a Year 12 Media Studies group that will be updating this blog with our group work throughout the course. We will publish our planned work for the sequence that we are going to create, a behind the scenes commentary, real life pictures of us working on our sequence, our sequence in the making of and much much more!

Our names are Alex,Daniel & Lauren. We decided our genre for this film will be a horror/crime, this is because we are most fimiliar with the expectations of the genres. We understand the aspects and different dimensions of how horror and crime operates.

"One mistake could cost your life, but how do you know if you're following the right path?"

Monday 5 March 2012

Meeting #8 Shooting the first scene

Here is an image of one of the props that were used in the opening sequence. As you can see in the image, it is a white top that is covered in "blood". Of course the blood is not real. The way we made the 'blood' look alike colour on the white t-shirt was by the use of red food colouring. The red food colouring was very cheap at a cost of 60 pence and the outcome of the colouring on the white shirt was very pleasing and better than we had expected! The shirt was used in the scene where Olivia (Lauren) was up against the tree after she had be brutally stabbed in the chest by the killer (Daniel). Us as a group thought that the prop of the bloody shirt worked really well in the opening sequence because it look realistic. If we were to use something more basic such as ketchup for the blood, we don't think the results would have been as good as the red food colouring.

 Here is another image of the white t-shirt close up. In the morning we went to Alex's mum's office to shoot the office scene. We are very lucky to have a proper office to shoot in, and this was very successful as we were very well organised etc. Later on in the evening we went straight to the forest to shoot the first scene to our opening sequence. The lighting at the park near the forest was very good and bright which gave our film quite a weary atmosphere to the scene. This scene was definitely the most challenging scene as it was important to grab the audience's attention and engage them.
We made sure to film when nobody was around, to make it more lonesome and creepy like. I am very proud of the amount of teamwork there was at this meeting, and I am glad our group pulled off a tough part of our course.
~Posted by Daniel and Lauren

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